
Popular Library Events

Seachtain na Gaeilge at South Dublin Libraries


Seachtain na Gaeilge 2024 at South Dublin Libraries

Join us in celebrating the Irish language!

South Dublin Libraries are delighted to take part in Seachtain na Gaeilge, Ireland’s biggest celebration of the Irish language and culture. From 1st - 17th March, we’re hosting a fantastic lineup of free events, including Irish language workshops, storytelling sessions, music performances, cultural talks, and fun activities for all ages.

Whether you're a fluent speaker or just starting out, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Gaeilge and discover new ways to use it in daily life!

Check out our full event schedule and be part of the celebration! The full listing of events happening in South Dublin County can be found in this brochure, and event highlights for South Dublin Libraries are listed below. 

Ballyroan Library 

A journey Through the Landscape of the Irish Language/ Turas trí thírdhreach na Gaeilge le Garry Bannister

Language is a means of understanding the world around us. We reveal this world to ourselves through speech and our daily usage of the language we speak. Our experience of reality greatly depends on which language we are speaking. There are gems and treasures galore to be found in the Irish language, some of these will be revealed in this public lecture. The talk (in English) will last 45 minutes and there will be 15 minutes at the end for questions. Questions may be asked in either English or Irish.
Is meán tuisceana an tsaoil teanga ar bith. Tagaimid ar thuiscint an domhain trí urlabhra agus trí úsáid laethúil na teanga a labhraímid lena chéile. Tá taiscí agus seoda lómhara ar maos inár dteanga dhúchais, an Ghaeilge. Nochtfar cuid díobh sa léacht phoiblí seo. Beidh an léacht seo (as Béarla) ar siúl ar feadh 45 nóiméad agus beidh 15 nóiméad ag an deireadh i gcomhair ceisteanna. Glacfar le ceisteanna as Gaeilge nó as Béarla.

11th March at 7.00 pm Adults - Booking here 

Ciorcal Cainte with Tomás Maher

An informal Irish language conversation group where all levels of Irish are catered for and everyone is given a chance to speak

12th March at 11 am Booking Here 

Craic agus Ceol Open Music Session

Singers and musicians of all ages, abilities and levels are welcome to come and join our special Seachtain na Gaeilge music session. Bring your instrument, the words of your favourite song, or just join us for some music.

12th March at 6.30pm Booking Here 

Scéalta Béaloideas/Irish Legends and Folklore with storyteller Roisín Murphy

Celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge with storyteller Róisín Murphy as she delves into much loved Irish stories. This is a bilingual event.

13th March at 3.30pm - Children - Booking Here 


From ‘Cúchulaínn’ to ‘The Children of Lir’, a talk by writer and technologist Niall Austin, on how Artificial Intelligence can bring Ireland’s rich mythology to life for emerging generations.

13th March at 4pm Adults - Booking Here 

Castletymon Library 

Gaeilge i mo Chroí le Molly Nic Chéile

How do you feel about embracing Ireland’s native tongue? At odds after a tricky relationship at school? Maybe you’ve given up, or don’t know where to start?
Well, is fada an bóthar nach mbíonn casadh ann – long is the road that has no turn and, in this book, the road is about to turn.
Molly Nic Céile – creator of social media sensation for Irish-language learners and the Irish Book Award winning book Gaeilge i Mo Chroí – invites us to connect with Irish in our hearts, as we set out on a journey of renewed pride sa Ghaeilge. Using seanfhocail agus scéalta, proverbs and stories, and with plenty of craic along the way – including the hilarious ‘if Irish were English’ approach to better understanding sentence structure, Molly offers guidance on bringing Irish into our everyday lives.
Connect with an Ghaeilge you didn’t know you knew, embrace na botúin – the mistakes – and discover the richness that our beautiful language – ár dteanga álainn – has to offer.

10th March at 6.30 pm - Adults - Booking Here 

The Tymon Sessions

Join us for a few tunes as Gaeilge in this special Seachtain na Gaeilge edition of our regular trad sessions.

12th March at 6.30 pm Adults - Fáilte - All Welcome

Clondalkin Library 

Seachtain na Gaeilge Badge Making

Join our library staff to design and make some gaeilge themed badges. Show off your cupla focail and choose from one of our pre made designs or make your own on the day.

5th March at 2 pm Children 6 + Booking Here 

Trad Session

Join us in Clondalkin Library for a lively evening of traditional Irish music. Light refreshments provided.

11th March at 6.30pm Adults - Booking Here 

Lucan Library 


From ‘Cúchulaínn’ to ‘The Children of Lir’, a talk by writer and technologist Niall Austin, on how Artificial Intelligence can bring Ireland’s rich mythology to life for emerging generations.

10th March at 6.30pm - Adults - Booking Here 

Bug Hotel/ Óstán na bhFéithidí

A dual language workshop – making bug hotels while using our cúpla focail.

11th March at 3.30pm - Children ages 6 - 8 Booking Here 

Who Gives a Focal with Colin Murphy

Join author of Who Gives a Focal, Colin Murphy, for a fascinating journey through the words and phrases we have given the English language and the quirks of Hiberno English.

13th March at 7.00 pm Adults Booking Here 

North Clondalkin Library 

Little Irish Folklore Friends

Little Irish Folklore Friends is about six creatures from Irish folklore, all using their powers in unexpected ways. Join Liam the Leprechaun, Betty the Banshee and Pádraig the Púca; Willow the Wisp, Fiadh the Fairy and Seán the Selkie for lots of magic and giggles. This new twist on Irish folk legends is inspired by the National Folklore Collection.

10th March 3 - 4 pm - Children ages 3 - 6 Booking Here 

Irish Crochet Workshop with Margaret Goulding

Try out the art of Irish Crochet with Margaret Goulding. All materials provided.

11th March 2.30 - 4.30pm - Adults - Booking Here 


From ‘Cúchulaínn’ to ‘The Children of Lir’, a talk by writer and technologist Niall Austin, on how Artificial Intelligence can bring Ireland’s rich mythology to life for emerging generations.

12th March 6.30 pm - Adults - Booking Here 

Palmerstown Library 

Make a Felted Irish Love Knot

Join Niki Collier for a fun workshop making a felted Irish love knot. All materials provided.

13th March 5pm - 8pm - Adults - Booking Here 

Tallaght Library 

Bingo As Gaeilge

Help your little ones learn their numbers in Irish with this fun game with library staff for Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Cabhraigh le do chuid páistí a gcuid uimhreacha a fhoghlaim as Gaeilge leis an gcluiche spraíúil seo le foireann na leabharlainne do Sheachtain na Gaeilge.

3rd March 3.30pm  Booking here

Scéalta as Gaeilge

Storytime with some stories in Irish.

4th March at 3.30pm Fáilte - All Welcome

As Béal A Chéile

Join this Irish language choir and listen to some Irish language songs. Join in and learn the words to some well known Irish songs.

8th March at 2pm 

Sáirséal agus Dill

Join Tomás Maher for a talk and presentation on Irish language publishers Sáirséal agus Dill.

11th March at 1 pm 


From ‘Cúchulaínn’ to ‘The Children of Lir’, a talk by writer and technologist Niall Austin, on how Artificial Intelligence can bring Ireland’s rich mythology to life for emerging generations.

11th March at 6.30pm Booking here


From ‘Cúchulaínn’ to ‘The Children of Lir’, a talk by writer and technologist Niall Austin, on how Artificial Intelligence can bring Ireland’s rich mythology to life for emerging generations.

12th March at 4.00pm Booking here

The Foundation Myths of Tallaght

Join historian Albert Perris for a fascinating talk exploring the myths linked to the foundation of Tallaght

12th March at 7.00pm Booking here 

OLLciorcal comhrá – Giant conversation circle!

Join us for a GIANT conversation circle with members from conversation circles from around Dublin. Caint, craic agus cupán tae!

13th March at 6.30 pm Fáilte - All Welcome

Bilingual film Screening – Kings with Colm Meaney

“In the mid-1970s a group of young men leave the Connemara Gaeltacht, bound for London and filled with ambition for a better life. After thirty years, they meet again at the funeral of their youngest friend, Jackie.”

18th March at 6.30pm Booking here 

Civic Theatre 


A talk by writer and technologist Niall Austin on how Artificial Intelligence can transform the work of legendary artists like Jim Fitzpatrick and Ronnie Drew, bringing Ireland's rich mythology to life for emerging generations.

Sunday 16th March at 7 pm - Booking Here